Hello, all, and Happy 2017!
I think The Tower (XVI) from the tarot’s major arcana is an appropriate symbol that gives more insight into the patterns of the year ahead. Or maybe the shock and surprise shown in the image of the tower came last year!
Either way, The Tower symbolizes shocking realization and awakening that is sometimes the necessary precursor that initiates the process of deep cleansing and healing. We are in it, folks!
Hold tight to your center of love and conscience in the days ahead and stand up for a cause that is for the greater good. Healing and evolution is the truth inside all this apparent madness.
Here is what I got from Michael on the patterns for the year ahead.
Wisdom from Michael Entity for 2017
The following insights come from Michael Entity, shared with me via the channeling session.
2017 Overleaves:
Center: Higher moving (default to M
Goal: Dominance
Mode: Passion
Attitude: Pragmatist sliding to Realist
Chief Feature: Arrogance
Role: Warrior
We see Warrior as the role for the year due to many fragments, not just in the United States, but worldwide, who are clear that it is time to stand for something, to be loyal and devoted to some cause, to put themselves into submission to this cause and to take coordinated and strategic action to bring an air of victory to their cause, whatever that may mean to the various groups.
As you know some will be pursuing causes that are not for the greater good and some will be pursuing causes that are. Because the Warrior energy is so single-minded and “bull-headed,” if you will, we think we will continue to see quite a bit of polarization throughout the year, as completely opposing values continue to collide, as each side forcefully and passionately stands behind its cause.
This is normal and the way when a collective is in the middle of a soul age transition, and in particular in the shift from young to mature.
The values here that are clashing are those of the young within the perception of :
“There is you and there is me, and I am going to win (or influence or impact you) as I take my own position as far as I can“
and those of the mature which are
“There is me and there is you, and I feel your pain”
“We all hurt, therefore, we all can choose to hold one another up and help one another, creating
This is a perception that everyone has rights, that everyone is equal and that everyone should be considered moving forward. This clash in values can be seen throughout all the major structures and institutions of the planet across the board: political, economic, social, educational, etc.

The centering for the year harmonizes quite well with that of the Warrior focus, at least in its default of Moving Center, but when the higher center is engaged, the Higher Moving, the Warrior energy can feel quite lost, as the Higher Moving can first be experienced as quite chaotic before it is experienced as beautiful pattern and recognition of those patterns.
So, as the Higher Moving energy manifests in peaks throughout the year, we see a high probability of pauses, standstills and re-calibration within the various groups and causes that are fighting to have their voices heard on this planet at this time. The recognition of higher patterns and broader perspectives on the way your collective is evolving will ultimately help to bring all of these groups, these conflicting and polarized groups, into a new kind of alignment that is arrayed around common goals and causes that supersede what came before.
This is much like realizing that though you would like to buy that new “toy” that you have been wanting for quite some time, it might be better or serve the whole you better to go to the doctor first and focus on healing the massive tumor that you have identified in your lung, for example. The want and the desire for the toy doesn’t go away necessarily, but you choose to focus all of your time, energy and resources toward the more essential need of the moment. Once the healing has come or the road to recovery has come-once it has been addressed, then you may want to go back to fulfilling the other desire.
So in this shift of alignment, it is not that certain desires or wishes are excluded and dismissed. Not at all. They are simply set aside for the time being to work on the most essential issues, challenges, crises, etc.
We think that by the end of the year, it will be quite obvious to most who are actively participating in the changes on your planet in this transition more fully into the mature soul paradigm, what the patterns and over-arcing realities of necessity are actually saying. It will become clearer and clearer without a doubt the direction your species is headed on this planet, if you continue to fight each other and allow corporations and special interests to do nothing to help heal and nurture the environment in which you live.
As chaos is the negative pole of the Higher Moving energy, it is also likely that the year will be punctuated by brief to long phases of anxiety as a very chaotic reality appears to swirl and eddy in the collective. These chaotic eruptions would help to bring what needs to be healed more to the surface so that the aftermaths and the work on recovery begin to fall into the larger patterns of where the collective is wanting to go.
Goal: Dominance
Dominance would be the goal because there is a very high focus on the necessity for each individual to be a leader by example in the ways that they feel most drawn to be. Whether it be in a very small personal sphere where our students are working on moving from the negative pole of dictatorship to the positive pole of leadership or whether it be in much larger community contexts, the process would be the same of that movement from the negative poles to the positive poles, with the focus on choosing to be at cause, choosing to participate, choosing to choose amidst all of the shifting chaos and patterns being revealed in the coming year.
Mode: Passion
In terms of relating, we see Passion being the key here, in the sense of what inspires you and others? It also has the mark of pursuing the goal of dominance with full energy and inspiration.
When in the negative poles, identification would be the experience, which means losing the sense of self to the sense of passion, to the cause, to the fight, so to speak, and losing all perspective of one’s self within these arenas-losing all perspective that one is a part of the cause because one chooses to be, but they are not one and the same.
Attitude: Pragmatist sliding to Realist
We see that the collective will often use the attitude of Realist to partner with the Pragmatist in order to move forward throughout the year, focusing on being objective in their assessments and interpretation, which will help to pull the Pragmatist into the positive pole of efficiency.
Chief Feature: Arrogance
And finally, we come to the chief feature of Arrogance, which in the format that you are used to [as channeled by Troy Tolley of TruthLoveEnergy], would be most dominant in the experience of the collective in the last 3 months of 2017.
Arrogance is the fear of vulnerability, the fear of being seen too closely and judged for what is seen. Arrogance is a means of protection against this fear of vulnerability and being exposed and judged. The defense is to “puff the self up,” to present a façade and an armor that seems to show no vulnerability or weakness but only superior qualities.
We see this arrogance not only in the causes that represent the side of “right” and when we say “right” we simply mean moving in a direction that includes the whole and is better for the whole rather than just for individuals or small groupings-and in the causes that represent the side of “wrong.” It is obvious why those that represent the causes of exclusion and those resisting the flow of evolution-it is easy to see their arrogance. It is not always easy to see the arrogance in the causes that are striving to be inclusive and to implement better ways of having and being and doing for the whole.

Arrogance tends to dismiss, reject, defend against criticism, whether it is accurate and useful or not. And of course, in response to the fear of vulnerability, is quick to judge and criticize the other.
If one watches closely the interactions at the global level this year, one will see arrogance quite clearly but probably more extreme examples by the end of the year.
We are aware of most of our students being quite anxious and fatigued by the patterns of the collective in this intense transition into the mature soul paradigm. We understand that the situation may look bleak as they peer ahead into the future of this year, and that the insight we are offering here today may only seem to validate what is feared ahead in the coming months, in terms of the polarization and the conflict and the chaos.
We do not ever suggest denying realities, which is why we tell you what we see as fairly as we can. We do not feel it serves you to gloss over realities that can be quite painful, shocking and horrendous to you, but our intention in telling you this is so that you can be more aware of where your choices lie within all of that. For you can add to the chaos, confusion, conflict and drama, if you will, or you can choose to focus your energy and choices in directions that amplify peace, goodness, harmony and beauty in your personal worlds as well as in the larger communities of which you are a part.
The evolution will happen and is happening. How you get there as a collective is your choice. You can get there through catastrophe and chaos or through unity, creativity,
It might be helpful over the year to remember this:
I am not the whole but I am a part of the whole and directly influence the whole. My choices matter.

In a time when choices are critical and the ramifications are seen much more quickly than in the past, what you choose to contribute to the collective energy has great impact. This is a year we think will come to be realized by many the power and impact one person and many can have, as they begin to own their responsibility and their choice, their leadership, their passion, their pragmatism, and their warrior spirit.
If you would like to chat with me I encourage you to drop me a line via messenger. I’d be happy to discuss any healing work we may do together. If you would like to know more about me or my services, please visit one of the buttons below.