Introduction to Michael Profile

This is the first part of the Michael Profile Introduction. For more please go to Michael Teachings Page.

The Michael Profile is usually the starting point for students new to the teachings. This profile gives information about the design and dynamics of the student’s soul essence and personality. It is a smaller life-map located within the larger life-map that is the Michael Teachings.

The information given in your Michael Profile is meant to be used as a set of tools to help you navigate the terrain of your life with more awareness, trust, kindness, confidence, and pleasure. However, like with any map, you can do with the information what you will. You can ignore it, study it once and then toss it, take it with you and consult it at various points along your journey or any other number of choices.

One thing to be said about the information given in a Michael Profile (before I launch into discussing each piece of the profile) is that there is no authority within the Michael Teachings who can tell you with 100% clarity and confidence that the information you receive about yourself is correct.

Any information you receive from any channel has to be self-validated, and this process is unique to all of us.  For some, the very first profile they receive hits the mark of their self-awareness, and they are able to use this profile for navigation for the rest of their lifetime of study with Michael. For others, the process is not so concise but takes several profiles and many months or years to get the information that “clicks” and helps them to make great leaps in their self-understanding.

Ok, let’s dive-in!

Essence Dynamics

I have come across no other teaching or philosophy that so clearly and simply maps-out the design possibilities of the soul essence and in such a way that the information can actually be validated and used in a practical way to assist you on your journey toward increased self-awareness and self-realization.

When I came across these teachings, I was already an astrologer and had plenty of insightful and accurate information about my design as a personality but I always longed for more. I wanted a deeper understanding of who I am and more precise information about the core of who I am, not just insights about the ego and personality. I wanted information about the soul essence beyond the personality.

This is where the Michael Profile shines because it begins with the particulars of your soul essence-the animating force behind the body/personality and the lifetime. Let’s explore all the aspects of the essence.

14 Aspects of Michael Profile

After you receive your Micheal Profile, you will be able to begin familiarizing yourself with 14 different aspects of your being that work together as a whole. You will also begin your journey of validating your specific design as essence and personality. In this part, I will focus on the first five aspects. For more, you may want to visit Michael Teachings Directory.

  1. Role
  2. Casting
  3. Cadre/Entity (Michael’s terminology for specific spiritual family groupings which are numbered)
  4. Energy Ratio (focused (or male) versus creative (or female))
  5. Frequency
  6. Soul Age/Level
  7. Manifested Soul Age
  8. Essence Twin Role
  9. Goal
  10. Mode
  11. Attitude
  12. Centering and Part of Center
  13. Body-type
  14. Chief Negative Features (obstacles)

1. Role (in essence)

The role is Michael’s way of describing what type of soul your essence decided to be before you began incarnating. It is your “soul personality,” so to speak. It is who you are at the core energetic level of your being and therefore represents your deepest desires, drives, and motivations. When this essence is accepted and “manifested” into the world around you, you “shine” and feel a sense of wholeness and fulfillment.

Through their observations and studies, Michael has seen that there are 7 distinct soul types:

  • 2 are inspiration types: Server and Priest
  • 2 are expression types: Artisan and Sage
  • 2 are action types: Warrior and King
  • and 1 is a neutral and assimilation type: Scholar

Validating your role in essence can be quite the healing and liberating experience. It certainly was for me, as I had not been fully accepting of my essence traits before I began to study with Michael. Due to family and cultural conditioning, I had learned to reject and hate a part of myself that was actually the deepest part of me that longed for expression and fulfillment.

When it came time for me to study the roles and to try to discern which role was at my core, I completely overlooked my actual role. It took me three Michael Profiles from three different channels before I was able to validate my true role, the one Michael says is recorded in the Akashic records.

But when I did, so much of my life made sense, and I began to let myself shine more in ways that were natural to me. For most of my life, I have felt a strong urge to express myself, to be seen, heard and understood. No matter how old I was, there was always this silly and irreverent yet awe-filled inner child that wanted to understand the deeper truths of life and share them with others. How healing it was to learn about the negative (obnoxiousness and verbosity!) and the positive sides (insight and communication) of my role and to learn that my role is just as valid and useful as the other 6 roles.

This information helped me to embrace, be and express more of myself without shame.

Today, I am happy to say that I am one of the insightful “children” of the universe, one of the entertaining and at times irreverent storytellers who add fun and drama to life.

I am a Sage in essence.

2. Casting

Your primary casting position describes how you function on a day-to-day basis. Whereas the role is who you are when you “shine” (and we often have to work at this to reclaim and own who we are at our core), your casting is who you are the rest of the time. It is your default way of being. We don’t have to work at expressing and manifesting our casting. It is just who we are without even trying.

In your Michael Profile, you are most often given the primary casting number, which tends to have the most direct influence on how you show up in the lifetime. But there are also secondary and tertiary casting numbers that have more subtle influences during your lifetime. I won’t go into those other influences now, but I will say that all of these numbers and influences have to do with how your particular soul essence expresses itself in relation to other soul essences within your tight-knit spiritual family of about 1000 soul fragments and beyond.

Michael says that the structure of the universe can be understood through the concepts of math and music. Therefore, everything used as a map in their teaching can be referenced by its numerical resonance.

As there are 7 roles, there are also 7 casting positions. Your casting position can be understood through its number, as well as the corresponding “soul archetype” related to it:

1/Server (-simplicity/+purpose)

6/Priest (-connection/+harmony)

2/Artisan (-balance/+stability)

5/Sage (-adventure/+expansion)

3/Warrior (-versatility/+enterprising)

7/King (-eclectic/+inculcation)

4/Scholar (-achievement/+consolidation)

    Your casting influences can be so pervasive and easy to spot in your behavior and life-patterns that you may think your casting position is actually your role.

    My primary casting position within my spiritual family or “entity” is 6/Priest. When I began studying these teachings, I thought my role was Priest. The Priest energy is related to inspiration and the desire to guide others into reaching more of their inherent potential. It is also expressed through compassion on the positive side and zealousness and righteousness on the negative side.

    My whole life I had been told that I would be an actual priest in the Southern Baptist tradition. And from an early age, one of the ways I defined myself was through my understanding of and my ability to express compassion towards others. And yes, I could be righteous and bossy at times towards others, thinking I knew what was best for them!

    Even though validating my casting position was not as big a revelation as validating my role, it still gave me a depth of insight into how I do my role that also helped me in my self-awareness and confidence.

    The casting information has helped me to own how I operate on a daily basis as one who needs to feel inspired and to inspire and as one who needs to understand the deeper patterns of life in an effort to extend compassion to myself and others.

    One could say that in my better moments, I am an inspired (priest) and compassionate (priest) communicator (sage)!

    3. Cadre/Entity (spiritual family)
    In this teaching, the terms “cadre” and “entity” refer to groupings and structures of essences that have very specific relationships and resonances due to their relative numerical position, as well as their various shared interests.

    1 entity = approximately 1000 soul fragments or essences

    1 cadre = 7 entities

    1 energy ring = 12 cadres

    And this goes on and on and on. You get the picture!

    Michael says that most of their teaching agreements are with those fragments/essences in cadres 1, 2 and 3 of a particular energy ring that “follows” their energy ring. So, chances are, if you are seeking information from Michael through one of their channels, then you are most likely going to get a 1, 2 or 3 as your cadre number on your Michael profile. And as there are only 7 entities within a cadre, your entity number will be 1 through 7.

    All of the entities have specific “energy signatures” that are generated due to the number resonances (1-7) related to their position within the cadre, as well as the types of essences (roles) that make up the entity. Essences within an entity will share basic life-themes and interests.

    For example, I am in cadre 1, entity 7, which has come to be known among Michael students as “the sweetheart entity.” It is made up mostly of servers and priests. All of the fragments of this entity are exploring healing: self-healing to collective healing.

    Validating my cadre and entity was fairly easy, as two channels gave me the same cadre/entity information in two different Michael Profiles. Also, when I asked Michael for information that described this entity and how they manifest on Earth, I resonated with all of the information that was given. Not only that, but I have met a few other members said to be of this entity, and in every case, there has been a certain level of ease and familiarity in our interactions along with a distinct aura of mutual acceptance.

    However, this can be one of the hardest pieces of information in the Michael Profile for the channel to translate and deliver accurately. It can also be one of the hardest pieces of information for the student to validate.

    Cadre/entity may not be the most critical piece of information for you to validate on your journey of self-awareness and self-realization, but it can be beneficial information that helps you to know and trust yourself a bit more and to feel more comfortable in your own skin.

    As an old soul, it can help you on your journey of reunion with the members of your entity, as this is one of the deep desires for the old soul.

    4. Energy Ratio (focused versus creative)
    Our essences have their own unique ratio of focused (or male) to creative (or female) energy. Focused energy is linear, orderly, active, protective, concrete, forceful, strategic. Creative energy is non-linear, chaotic, passive, inspirational, intuitive, abstract, fluid, spiraling. Though we can use the terms male and female to help us understand this ratio, essence does not actually have gender in the way we use the terms. So, I prefer the more gender-neutral terms of focused and creative.

    Those who have high focused energy (65 or above), no matter what their role and casting, may find that they are more active (doing), linear and strategic with the way they go about their days. They may also have the need for more sex than the average person. Those who have high creative energy (65 or above), no matter what their role and casting, may find that they are more passive (being), non-linear and intuitive with the way they go about their days. And those who have ratios that are closer to 50/50, may find that they go about their days with more of a balance between doing more focused and being more creative.

    It is not necessarily important to validate the exact ratio (and rather impossible to do so, anyway!). It is more important to know whether you are high on the focused or creative side or more balanced. This can help you to embrace your natural strengths and to invite support from others in order to bring balance where you are weak.

    For my energy ratio, I received 20 focused / 80 creative. I’d say this is quite accurate in terms of how I have experienced myself over the years. I can be quite focused and active for short bursts of time, but staying in this mode is very taxing and stressful for me, as this is not my strength. “Being” is home-base for me.

    5. Frequency
    Frequency is a scale of measurement for our entire human sentience on a scale of 0-100 (0 being lowest and 100 being highest). It describes the rate at which your individual essence processes and comprehends experience. Another way of looking at it is to see the frequency as your essence’s “vibrational stamp.”

    Low-frequency essences (35 or below) tend to feel more “solid” and grounded to others. They tend to work through their lives and learn their lessons at a slower pace, sometimes getting “stuck” in their lessons. But when they learn the lesson, they have learned it completely and never have to go back to that particular lesson. They can seem more serious and “heavy” during their lifetimes.

    High-frequency essences (65 and above) tend to feel more “fluid” and ethereal to others. They tend to work through their lives and learn their lessons at a faster pace, skimming the surface of lessons and then have to go back over the same lesson multiple times in order to get through all the layers of the lesson. They can seem more carefree and “buoyant” during their lifetimes.

    Those essences whose frequency is more toward the middle of the spectrum tend to have more flexibility in how they process experiences. They can sometimes wring-out an experience for all its worth and sometimes skim the surface coming back to the lesson multiple times before completion and comprehension.

    As with the energy ratio, it is not necessary to validate the frequency exactly but to know where you are on the spectrum from low to mid-level to high in a general sense.

    Before I received any profiles, I already knew I was a high-frequency essence. 88 seems to be about right.

    Further reading

    This is the end of the first part of Michael Profile. To continue your journey please go to the second part, the Soul Age, Manifested Soul Age, Essence Twin Role, or go back to the main Michael Teaching’s directory.

    In Part II, I will go into one of the most misunderstood and controversial elements of the Michael Profile: soul age. I will also speak about the Essence Twin (“twin flame”), as many channels will give you the essence twin role information as a part of your own essence dynamics.

    If you are interested in having your own Michael Profile channeled for you, you can contact me via email or a web form. Be sure to read about my services as well.

    For educational purposes, I’m also sharing my own Michael Profile. Let me know if you have any questions!

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